Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The First Hiccup

Now, to be fair, it isn't every day that I get called and asked to be the lighting designer of a tour. And since I had just recently terminated my only way of making money, I reluctantly canceled my trip with Pixel.

So, fate, being the unpleasant mistress that she is, has decided to strike me with some horrible upper respiratory infection...right now I sound like I've been gargling with gravel and drinking molten lava, interspersed with loud, obnoxious bouts of coughing. I'm going to seek the services of a physician this morning to see if there's anything that can be the very least, it'll rule out the possibility of strep throat. Ugh.

We're currently in St. Louis, MO - where we will visit the Arch this morning and then get on Route 66 proper.

1 comment:

Mark Hoag said...

Congrats on actually getting on the road! Murphy is obviously hard at work... tried to sabotage you with a flat before leaving, that not working he gave you that nasty cough... get drugs, kick cough and have a great trip!

Keep the pictures and blogs coming!