Sunday, July 15, 2007

Pixel's Daily Favourite - July 14

Nice composition or excellent close-up, we pick the best of the day's 600 photos, just for you.

1 comment:

Deb said...

Sparky=I'll really be missing you in just 3 short hours upon arrive of the POG eastside door:)Love reading your blog and really love the pictures your posting. My favorite is of the small round blue/red/silver designs - not for sure what that is-what is it? Looks really interesting. By reading, I'm very jealous of your trip. Wish I would of done something of that nature back when I was young(er)...I did do three mission trips so I guess that was my "checking out the rest of the world". Keep sending the blog to me as the kids really liked hearing from you, oh yea - they like the picture of "Master" too.
Take care and travel on!! Deb